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Going home to Wall Rose was tough. We lost almost all of our comrades━some demanded to find their lost friends, but the higher-ups denied the request. Nearly got attacked by titans and everyone is just depress in general. As we entered the walls, people and families of deceased soldiers cried to Commander Erwin as the others insult us once again. It was painful to hear and see families who were expecting their mighty, great children coming home━only to hear that they died in battle. 

A few weeks later, we had a meeting about who is the suspected person as the Female Titan. Me and Armin had to explain the whole thing to Eren since he doesn't understand anything. 

Here we are, currently guiding Eren out of the Wall Sina to avoid custody━along with Mikasa, Armin and Annie. 

We reached the underground passage as we went our way down the flight of stairs, but we notice Annie wasn't moving━she was just standing there, "Annie, don't tell me you're afraid of dark, cramped spaces?" Eren taunted

"In fact, I am afraid," Annie agreed, making me eye her suspiciously, "I doubt a brave, borderline-suicidal guy like you could possibly understand the feelings of a weak maiden like me," She cried

"She's manipulating us, but we all know who's the real impostor here," I glared 

"Yeah, well a 'weak maiden' can't just simply fling a man from head to heels in mid-air," I scoffed, "Come on, stop being silly and hurry up," I demanded, but Annie denied once more

"What are you even saying?! Get down here already! Stop screwing around!" Eren urged, making Mikasa scold him

"It shouldn't be an issue, right, Mikasa?" Annie said, "For some reason, there haven't been any people nearby for a while," She guessed

I gritted my teeth in anger as we all went silent, "Armin, when did you started looking at me with those eyes?" Annie asked

Armin's grip on the flash signal shakes as he started reminiscing the past, "Annie, why did you have Marco's 3D Maneuver Gear? I recognized it to the tiniest marks and dents, because we fixed our gears together... Then, you killed those two titan captured alive?"

Annie turned her gaze away from us, "Who knows? But if you thought so a month ago, why didn't you act?" She stated

"Because I couldn't believe it!" Armin exclaimed, "I still hope it's just a misunderstanding... But, because of that.." 

I had enough of this nonsense conversation, "Hey Annie~" I called, "What is it like to be a disappointment On a mission?" I smirked

A small squeak came out of her lips, "Please do tell me, Annie," I mocked, "It must have been sad, right? You were so close at me... You think killing my comrades was very prideful of you? You think you know everything about what's going on right now? Well, I can reveal a whole lot more of you," My voice hissed with venom

"Hmm, I wondered what would happen if you did manage to 'eat' me? Or Eren? What would you do, Annie? What's gonna be your reaction?" I wondered as I saw her jaw clenching

"And since you didn't kill me and Armin that day, this is why this is happening right now.." I sneered

Silence clouded the place as dust flew everywhere before Annie speaks, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're right," she declared, "Why didn't I kill you then? I wonder," She questioned

Eren stomped forward with anger, "Hey, Annie! There's still a chance that you've got a sick sense of humor and you're just going along whatever Armin says because you're an idiot!" He yelled, "If you come underground, that proves something!" He demanded as Annie denied again

"Annie, tell us! We can still talk this out━"

Mikasa pulled her hood off as she stepped forward, along with drawing her blades out, "That's enough! I can't listen another word of this.." She muttered

"I'll tear you apart again, Female titan!" She hissed

The wind roared louder and Annie began laughing and blushing horrendously. We looked at her suspiciously as her crazy gaze fell upon us, "Armin, I'm glad I could be a good person to you. You've won your bet.." She said as a menacing grin appeared at her lips, "But, this is where my gamble begins!" She shouted as she raised her finger to her teeth

Armin gasped as he quickly fired the flash bang━signaling the town people to restrain Annie. We watch in the shadows as they huddled around her and tying her mouth. But, Annie snapped open a small hook from inside of her ring. Immediately, we grabbed the two boys as we down deeper in the passage. Lightning struck down at Annie's figure as muscles surrounded her body, creating the Female Titan. 

Stones fell from above as we ran deeper and deeper inside as Annie's titan hand ran after us. Armin started hyperventilating about our plan being a bust, "There must've have been another way to do this!" He exclaimed

"Think about that later and tell us, what should we do from here on out?" Mikasa asked

"Well regroup with the 3rd squad, get above ground and move according to Plan B━Fight the Female Titan," He explained as he glanced at Eren, "Eren will transform and assist with the capture, sounds good?" Armin said as Eren agrees

We were able to spot the 3rd squad from afar, "Status of the primary capture?" They asked

"Unsuccessful, please switch to Plan B!" Armin answered

Rumbling came from above as the stones fell from above━crushing the two scouts and a flesh feet appeared. We all moved away and went to a different hall and hid. As we figure how to get out the underground passage as Annie continues to crush the place.

"I'll figure something out, just follow me!" Eren declared as the three of us huddled around him

He lifted his thumb towards his mouth as we waited for him transform, but his grunts and groans were only heard as the blood drips of his hand. He wasn't transforming, something must be wrong. 

"Damnit, at a time like this?!" The brunette panic as he continues to chomp his flesh

"If you don't have a clear objective, you can't transform, right?" I asked, "Focus on it!"

"I know! But..." But nothing was happening, he's hesitant

Mikasa has to croutch and speak some reality into him. She knows that Eren doesn't accept the fact that Annie is now our enemy and killed so many of our comrades. Gritting my teeth in frustration, I walked away from the trio.

"Mia! Where are going?!" Armin cried

I scoffed, "Isn't obvious? I'm leaving this dumbass behind.." His eyes widened at my words, "If you guys are waiting for your deaths, then be my guest. Now, if you don't wanna die, hear me out," I spat

They all hushed as I draw my blades out, "Me, Armin and Mikasa will exit the two holes that Annie made and the entrance━simultaneously, doing so will force Annie to focus on one of us. At that time, Eren, follow the one she ignored," I explained as I was about to run the current hole until Eren spoke

"Wouldn't that mean one of you will die?!" 

"Staying here will get us four of us killed," Armin retorted

I ordered the two to get in position as the three of us ran to our assigned exits, while we hear Eren's wailing, "How can you still fight!?"

I stopped as I looked over him by my shoulder, "What choice do we have? The world is a cruel place..." I said before exiting the passage

The three of us activated our 3D manuever gears as Annie glances us━probably contemplating who is she gonna chase. My assumption was correction when Annie started running after me, but Mikasa was fast to distract her. Hit after hit, Mikasa continues to attack the Female Titan, but I know that she has her eyes on me. Armin had to go down and save Eren.

Unfortunately, Mikasa got hit by some stones as her body fell to the ground. I was about to ambush her when I remembered Commander Erwin's words:

"Ichinose, do not engage battle with the Female Titan. If you disobey, this may cost your life or others,"

I clicked my tongue in annoyance as Annie spotted me. A plan clicked in my head as I started leading her somewhere and her loud footsteps echoed around the city. It was quick, it was terrifying. A squad has entered the battle as they ordered me to back down for now━knowing that I'm a possible target of Annie. I watched in horror as almost all of the squad was murdered.

"Fuck Commander Erwin's warning, I'm going to kill her!" I shouted as I jumped down and sliced one of Annie's ankles

I saw Armin and Jean coming out of the passage as I yelled, "Armin, Jean, this way!"

We all flew to where Plan C was being held by Squad Leader Hange and used myself as bait. As we reached there, gunfire was heard and wires wrapped around the Female Titan's body and limbs as her body fell to the ground. A wire net was placed as Mikasa arrived at the situation. Sadly, Annie escaped the trap by destroying it as she started running towards the wall. All soldiers chased after her and one by one, we cut her open. Striking back, Annie kicked and destroy stoned houses━its debris fell on us. 

Finally, our luck came, when we heard thunder booming from afar. We landed on the roofs of the houses as I smiled with glee. Loud, rapid footsteps roared around the city as Eren's titan threw a punch to the female titan, her body fell on top of a building. Eren's titan roared with anger as the battle of the two titans continues on. 


The two titan shifters chased around the city as people's cries rang all of the place. The two stopped at the town square. They had a stare-down, probably Eren silently cursing Annie about what she did. Annie got into a fighting position━the same stance when she's human. 

Eren threw the first shot, yet Annie crystallize her skin as protection. A kick came from her, but Eren was able to catch it and threw her off. 

"Squad Leader, if we manage to capture the Female Titan here, wouldn't this leave the town in ruins?" Moblit asked

"Even so, we're doing it. That's Erwin's decision," Hange reminded, "Prepare for capture," She ordered

We watched as Annie swung her crystallize leg towards Eren leg━slicing it in half. As revenge, he threw a straight jab on her face. By the looks of her, Annie seemed to have gained more strength as the same leg hit Eren's face, but his clenched jaws were able to catch. And with a crystallize fist, she smashed Eren's head, until he was unconscious as Annie continued her way to the wall.

Not that long, Eren's titan started running after the Female Titan━its body in flames and steam as it ran after his enemy like a rabid dog. He lounged at her as they crashed down next to the wall.

Mikasa arrived at the sight━calling out to Eren, yet I held her back, "Mikasa, stop. We don't know if Eren will recognize you," I said as her eyes widened

The titan shifters struggled and slashed each others faces as Annie kicked Eren before climbing up the wall. Furious, Mikasa immediately left her spot and charged at the desperate female titan, she slashed her crystallize fingers of her hands as she fell to the ground. Now it was Eren's turn as he continues to assault Annie's titan. Out of nowhere, he ripped the flesh of the nape as Annie came in view━crying.

"No! He's gonna eat the real body off!" I cried as we all called out for him

Eventually, he suddenly stopped until a blinding, blue light came out of the Female Titan's body as Eren's titan roared in pain, "Wh-what? He's fusing with her?!" Armin shrieked

A figure landed and sliced the nape of Eren's titan━it was Captain Levi. He pulled him out before anything bad happens. 

In the end, we weren't able to capture Annie since she trapped herself in a giant, crystallized cocoon. We tried our best to break it, but it just cost too much blades to be done. The cocoon was wrapped with wires as everyone cleaned up the mess. Luckily, Eren was brought to an infirmary to recover as some of us has to be brought into questioning.

We gathered around Eren's bed as we talked about the recent event when an MP called me, Armin and Jean for the questioning. As we walked down the hallway, Armin and Jean were engaging a conversation when I notice something inside the wall.

"H-Hey... do you guys see that?" I called their attention

We all faced the wall and eyes widened in fear, "I-Is that... a titan?"

hello, lovelies💕I published a BNHA Imagines book and 2 chapters are now published there, hope you loves enjoy that. Requests are still open for that😊

━ Author-nim Juls💖
